Ideas and execution: Four business schools in Asia fostering business-savvy graduates

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Ideas are worthless without the execution; execution is pointless without the ideas,” says author, speaker and world-famous entrepreneur, Gary Vaynerchuk. His sentiments have never been more true.

Today, employers are working tirelessly to scout and hire versatile talents who possess both the business acumen and leadership qualities to implement forward-thinking business solutions to grow their organisation exponentially.

Both hard and soft skills are needed to achieve such results. Hence, many employers are constantly on the lookout for candidates who are exceptional in their communication, collaboration, problem-solving, self-management, professional, technological as well as ethical reasoning skills.

These soft skills are “essential” or “very important” factors 93% of employers consider in a candidate when making hiring decisions. To hone the above and more, look no further than Asia, where countless business-focused universities are developing a new generation of corporate climbers.

To read more : Study International
