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Sibaura Institutute of Technology
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The Gti Consortium Symposium will be held on Friday, December 11, 2020
Introducing the activities of the gti consortium on the theme of ′′ the initiative of the development of human resources by the industry of the industry As a special lecture, we will be able to report how we used the gti consortium in the global pbl, internship, and recruitment of the industry, and we will connect you to the activation of more activities in the future.


Announcement of TV airs!
Today, November 27th, around 16:20, on TBS ′′ n star ′′ we are featured on how to use the tofu shop's challenge ′′ Okara ′′ in relation to the sdgs specified by the United Nations, and the life science department okuda Whipped Cream made from okara, which is made from okara, which is studied by professor hiroshi. (scheduled for live broadcast) please take a look.


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