Say HELLO to our new name: MIU City University Miami. #rebranding #studyonline #studyusa #studymiami

Say HELLO to our new name: MIU City University Miami. #rebranding #studyonline #studyusa #studymiami
Too cool? Apply here:
#studyusa #studyonline #onlineready_certified #affordable_education
We are proud to announce that we have been certified by Applied HE as Online Ready! For this achievement, we have temporarily updated our profile picture!
The AppliedHE™ ONLINE-Ready Rating measures the quality of a higher education institution’s online course delivery against a benchmark of globally recognized online learning best-practices along with a survey of students and faculty.
#onlinelearning #studyusa #studyonline
Join MIU and enjoy a new academic adventure in #miami. Better to watch with your own eyes! #studyusa #studyonline
Are you talented? Apply by July 20 for one of the 10 TALENT Scholarships of up to 80%. Submit your application documents PLUS a 300 word-essay on WHY YOU should be the one! For questions, contact us at or directly apply here:
#studyonline #scholarships #studyUSA #design #cosmetology #engineering #business #usa
Earn your American Degree from home:
* Affordable tuition
* Highly qualified international faculty
* ONLINE and ON-CAMPUS courses
* Average of 15 students per class
* Multi-cultural learning environment
* Access to professional orientation services