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Hong Kong Baptist University
4 pessoas gostaram disso
+852 3411 7400

經歷了3年的浸大生活,今年終於來到最後的一年,#浸大 #音樂系 四年級同學 #何永樂 有很多難忘的回憶,當中特別深刻的是於音樂系的 #香港巴羅克室樂團 擔任其中一位獨奏家,從中得到很多難能可貴的經驗。



In 1956, Hong Kong Baptist College was founded by the Baptist Convention of Hong Kong as a post-secondary college committed to the provision of whole person education. In 1983, Hong Kong Baptist College became a fully-funded public tertiary institution. It gained university status in 1994 and was renamed Hong Kong Baptist University (HKBU).