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Hindustan University
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The power of education must never be underestimated. The goodness of education must never be ignored. A very Happy National Education Day 2020.
#nationaleducationday #education #maulanaabulkalamazad #educationday
#futureofwork #hits #hitsgoesonline #hindustan4.0 #hindustaninstituteoftechnologyandscience


Science has reshaped this world and we can use it to bring peace in everyone’s life. Happy World Science Day!
#wsdpd #worldsciencedayforpeaceanddevelopment #science #futureofwork #hits #hitsgoesonline #hindustan4.0 #hindustaninstituteoftechnologyandscience

О нас

Hindustan College of Engineering, started in the year 1985, was conferred the "University Status" by University Grants Commission (UGC), Government of India, Under Section 3 of UGC Act 1956 from the academic year 2008-09 and under the name HITS (Hindustan Institute of Technology and Science).